Donation set to inspire more than 2,000 pupils to consider a career in STEM
Nearly 2,000 pupils will have the opportunity to get a taste of vocational learning thanks to the expansion of the STEM Engagement Fund in the Black Country and Birmingham. The new financial backing is the brainchild of Michael Orlik and his sons, Anthony and Phillip, who have gifted £25,000 to the Training Manufacturing Group (TMG)’s…
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Rapid Fusion to launch first UK-built large-format hybrid 3D printer
The first UK-built large-format hybrid 3D printer is due to be unveiled later this month. Its developer, Rapid Fusion, will showcase the printer, dubbed Medusa, at a special…
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Robots should be repurposed rather than recycled, scientists warn
The robotics industry should be creating robots that can be reprogrammed and repurposed for other tasks once their lifespan has been completed, University of Bristol and University of…
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Using bacteria to make powerful microlenses
A team led by researchers at the University of Rochester in New York has drawn inspiration from nature to create tiny, powerful microlenses for advanced image sensors. Sea…
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Rapid Fusion to launch first UK-built large-format hybrid 3D printer
The first UK-built large-format hybrid 3D printer is due to be unveiled later this month. Its developer, Rapid Fusion, will showcase the printer, dubbed Medusa, at a special…
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Bath engineers and architects launch manifesto on regenerative design
A team of engineers, architects and researchers from the University of Bath have published a manifesto on ‘regenerative’ design and engineering, providing a guide to confronting the climate…
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Robots should be repurposed rather than recycled, scientists warn
The robotics industry should be creating robots that can be reprogrammed and repurposed for other tasks once their lifespan has been completed, University of Bristol and University of…
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Donation set to inspire more than 2,000 pupils to consider a career in STEM
Nearly 2,000 pupils will have the opportunity to get a taste of vocational learning thanks to the expansion of the STEM Engagement Fund in the Black Country and…
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Registration opens for Apprentice Automation Challenge 2025
Registration has opened for the Institution of Mechanical Engineers’ Apprentice Automation Challenge 2025. Organised by the institution’s Manufacturing Industries Division’s Young Members Committee, this annual engineering competition tasks…
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New STEM theatre show goes to tour
Award-winning theatre company One Tenth Human has developed an interactive theatre performance designed to get children aged 7–11 more interested in STEM subjects and will be taking it…
Pterosaur bones could inspire the future of aerospace engineering
The microarchitecture of fossil pterosaur bones could hold the key to lighter, stronger materials for the next generation of aircraft, new research has found. Scientists from the University…
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Rapid Fusion to launch first UK-built large-format hybrid 3D printer
The first UK-built large-format hybrid 3D printer is due to be unveiled later this month. Its developer, Rapid Fusion, will showcase the printer, dubbed Medusa, at a special…
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Storing carbon in buildings could help address climate change
Construction materials such as concrete and plastic have the potential to lock away billions of tonnes of carbon dioxide, according to a new study by civil engineers and…
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Design team appointed to develop new health tech innovation facility
Scarborough Group International (SGI) has appointed a design team to lead the transformation of the Grade II*-listed Old Medical School on the Leeds General Infirmary site into a…
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Engineers turn to parasites for medical device innovation
A team of researchers at the Harvard John A Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences (SEAS) has taken inspiration from tapeworms to design a tissue-anchoring mechanism for…
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Researchers solve a nearly 200-year-old polymer challenge
Researchers at the University of Virginia School of Engineering and Applied Science have developed a new design that appears to rewrite the textbook on polymer engineering. No longer…
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